Wednesday, January 30, 2008


It's hard to clear your throat insignificantly.

In other news, yesterday I interviewed for a job I think I'd love. I think I'd love half of it, and probably be fine (but possibly irritated) with the other half. It's with the (very small) reference division of a publishing house; I'd be an editor concocting my own content for a couple of web sites. Apparently I'd be given more or less free reign* to research and write about whatever I was interested in. The position would be a significant drop in salary for me (over 10K), and that makes me nervous, what with school loans, my (sole!) credit card debt, and the cost of rent+utilities out here. I'm pretty sure it's possible, but yikes.

The job is temporary for six months, and then becomes permanent. The interviewer and I discussed the possibility of doing it as a 6-month contract, which would give me a bit more money per hour, but given that I'm paying COBRA now, it might amount to the same.

I'm also lucky enough to have a bunch of part-time irons in the fire. Oh, the cobbled-together life. I suppose all lives are cobbled together. Lives and shoes.

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