Monday, April 28, 2008


My sister's baby is due on May 23. We know it's a girl, but the name has been kept classified, until last night, when my dad told me that he knew it, and that my mom did, too.

I knew it started with an "A" because for her baby shower she asked for (ha, I'd originally typed "ordered") one of those giant Pottery Barn wooden "A"'s, and I thought I knew my sister and brother in law: Ava. I was 99% sure. I really thought they were Ava people.

But it's not, according to my dad. He then tolerated a few yes-or-no questions, during which I learned:

> it's not monosyllabic
> it's neither extremely uncommon nor extremely common
> he and I do not know someone in common with that name

and here's the interesting part: I asked whether it ended with an A, and he said he didn't think so, and asked my mom, who confirmed that it did not. So. What is a name that starts with A, is polysyllabic, of moderate modern usage, and may or may not end with an A.

I should say that I don't think they're the type to go in for things like "Mathilde" and pronouncing it with a slight A on the end.

P. thinks it should be "Alice" - or "Ollis," really, which is funny if you know their last name.


Phyllis said...

Ok, here goes: Abby? Alex? Allison? Ally? Amber? April? Those are my best guesses...and I can't remember their last name so I didn't get a chance to try them out with it.

Lore & Ipsum said...

But are these names that may or may not end wtih an A?

Amanda, I'll email you their last name.

Anonymous said...

Annabelle? (Could your dad have thought it was Annabella?) Adrianne?

Check out
and maybe you can get some ideas. Put a check mark in the box that says "girls" and enter "a" at the cursor.

Anonymous said...
