Monday, May 12, 2008

sad news

Today, P. and I established that we will not live together again when our lease is up in September. Things are sang-froid, amicable, and even loving. Wish me strength in the tough times ahead.


Happy Worker said...

strength in tough times ahead, my friend.

btw, in an attempt to figure out how to survive my own tough times, I'm thinking of going here for a week. let me know if you get to that point, too...

Anonymous said...


Lore & Ipsum said...

Odoreida - you're not wishing me sadness, are you?

JC said...

Oh dear.

It sounds like you're in a good place emotionally, but change is hard. Even good changes are hard.

If Mayatulum doesn't pan out but you need to get away, you and leeann are welcome to stay with us in Jax and do yoga in the living room. :)

I heard that petting animals lowers blood pressure. I have lots of those around too. Hey, if I buy a few yoga mats and a smoothie-blender, I'll practically have my own health spa retreat!

(Ok, not really, but selfishly, I'm trying to entice you to come south again and ease some of your transition stress.)

Hope it all works out the way you want it to.

Anonymous said...

Would I do that?

Anonymous said...

And of course you are always welcome in B-town.