Check with Tom about "brwqwhzb." Probably Afghanistan is like the "5th Coast."
Yes, the James Joyce narathon is much better than that day - Bloomsday? Maybe the crowds could also surge in so that the runners have to follow a very narrow path.
The Shannon LastName Memorial Narathon, to promote awareness and raise money for an affliction that affects the Irish...
This could be a representation of our little community on this blog.
I'm loving the idea of narathon/James Joyce/etc.
My word verifications seem to be getting longer and more difficult to type. Like brwqwhzb. Saying 'whazzup' in a burqa...?
Check with Tom about "brwqwhzb." Probably Afghanistan is like the "5th Coast."
Yes, the James Joyce narathon is much better than that day - Bloomsday? Maybe the crowds could also surge in so that the runners have to follow a very narrow path.
The Shannon LastName Memorial Narathon, to promote awareness and raise money for an affliction that affects the Irish...
Brilliant. I'm the Narwhal that's second to last.
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