Sunday, February 3, 2008

old woman's rant.

You know those plastic containers of deli meats, (for ex.) shaved, oven-roasted turkey? There's a lid and then the turkey is in a sealed plastic pouch? In mine, there's a little sticker on the sealed plastic pouch that says "Easy Open." And it was far from easy to open. And my frustration was only compounded by the mocking sticker with the dodgy credentials! If it had said "open," I would not have been confused, I would have known where this opening was meant to happen. The addition of "easy" does nothing - since I've already bought the turkey, it's not a selling point. No, the only thing it can do is make me feel bad.

Thanks, Shaw's brand Shaved Oven Roasted Turkey.

P. said that maybe the sticker should read "Easy for most people to open."

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