Monday, July 28, 2008

news flash

Evidentally, the way to meet boys up here is to look for an apartment. I have another is-it-a-date (which is so much more organic and great and exciting than the previous is-it-a-date, which was really rather creepy in genesis, if not in reality) with someone whose apartment I looked at moving into and with whom I've been trading energetic email. Naturally, he's a philosophy grad student. I should see if I could start holding interviews at the APA.


Anonymous said...

And G. Odoreida! You've met him.

Anonymous said...

I was coming in to say, "Why certainly, you could look for dates at the Eastern APA, if you're a SOUL-SUCKING VAMPIRE WHO FEEDS ON PAIN," but ooh! gossip!

[See here, those who may not believe me about the feeding on pain part.]

Anonymous said...

It's hard not to conclude, here, that the possibility of going on a date with me adds to the pain.

Now I have to work out how to disable comments.

Anonymous said...

Now I have to work out how to disable comments.

Hit 'em just below the kneecap.