Monday, February 11, 2008

huge swaths of apology

I want to apologize for never checking my phone messages, returning phone calls or emails, and otherwise being a bad friend. Things have conspired to get me down in the past couple of months, and I retreat. I'll be back. In the meantime, I am happy with contact through blog. So, thank you for commenting.


Mark said...

I can't believe that!!!!!!!!!!!

It's outrageous!!!!!!

I would never disappear for months on end!!!!!!!!!!

(Hope you have detected the sarcasm).


ipaijfn: a secret, off-menu, item at an Indian restaurant.

Mark said...

When are you going to send me an email so I can see my name 'up in lights'?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well, what can I say? I learned from the best.

ncytgws:(n) a very misshapen zygote

Anonymous said...

Must say, you're not returning contact makes me feel better for my *own* not returning contact. But you've got points on me: you sent me an awesome Christmas card. So: you're not a bad friend at all.

Not that you wanted my affirmation or anything, but I'm giving it to you anyway. So there. Meh.

oxviiqv: chichi vodka brewed in the dorms of Oxford

Anonymous said...

Your high level of concentrated awesomeness trumps all. You taught me word ladders. How can anyone ask for more than that?

cxkxbrbi: (n) an Australian barbeque joint that specializes in spicy chicken

Predoctoral Intern said...

Yeah, well, I"M sorry that I haven't been in touch with you for, like, two years. I miss you and think about you and hope things are going looks like Africa was pretty cool. ;)

Lore & Ipsum said...

I miss you too, Amanda. I always talk about you and the time when you asked me to come over at 5, and I was benignly scandalized, because 5 PM is like no-man's-land, and it was just so charming, plus I had a great time, sitting with you in your kitchen, drinking wine, eating snacks, and chatting away.