Friday, February 29, 2008

wall stickers

I like this for a hallway:

This for a bathroom:

And this for a dining room (just one).
And, of course: this.
From Ferm Living and Blik.


Marisa said...

Love them! I am so obsessed with wall stickers. I think I have about 30 on my favorites list on etsy - at least one of which will be up in my new apartment. (Of course I said that about the current apartment...) The typography one is great. What text would you get?

Anonymous said...

i love the birds. and i find that picture of a dining room compelling - something so simple and medieval and yet clean... i imagine amazing food being eaten at that board. :-)

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I am going to be "that" poster, but did anyone else notice how phallic the second picture was? Slated for the bathroom? Makes sense to me. Alternately, it's Manhattan and the Bronx.