Monday, February 18, 2008

what is ssshhhh?

Would you consider "ssshhhh" a word? Anyone know of equivalents in other languages?

No matter what, I will go to my grave insisting that neither "login" or "setup" are verbs. But neologismically I am pleased that there are people who feel otherwise.


Mark said...

If I'm playing boggle ssshhhh is a word.

As is sshh and ssshhhhhhhhh and sshhhhh an ssssshh.

Actually there are too many viarations to list.

Also wewaaal is a word (catcall)

So this project thing is seriously out of control. I successfully avoided being mentioned in the Wired piece about it but supposedly the NYT is running a story about it tomorrow and DemocracyNow! wants to have us on this week.

My new idea is to not have any ideas. Either that or I need an alias.

This could be a game. Something like what's your I don't want to be quoted or appear on your show name?

Take the name of the first 1950s car the comes to your head and combine with something metric

For instance, Studebaker Newton.

By the way, do you mind that I use these comments as a sort of forum or a 'blog within a blog' if you will.

What was the original question again?

Anonymous said...

i've been totally feeling guilty about using this as a forum within a forum, so i'm pleased to see you doing it, mark. are you single and of marriageable age? clearly we are deeply compatible. :P i'm going to go try to find a link to your wiki project thing now.

l&i: if only you were on facebook and could play scrabulous and thus really explore what is and is not a word. i now only believe in words that get me points in scrabble like formats. and alas, i do not think that ssshhhh is one.

Anonymous said...

hm. the marriageable age comment clearly must be taken in the ironic spirit in which it was intended. oh the dangers of spontaneous blog remarks.

Mark said...


if only you knew how many times I have been interent-married.

I think I am still internet-married to two people even today. It's why I have chosen to have lasek surgery and become an airline piolot

Mark said...

By the way, if I get STFU while playing boggle, I want credit for a 13-letter word.

Unknown said...

Hi C, I was wondering if Mark was around. I can't seem to get a hold of him anywhere else, but I hear he stops by here often. Anyway, if you see him ask him to give me a call or email.

lxzpmpr: n. The locals name for the high luxury, foreign national dominated, high rent district of the capital city of Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

Karitas - why do you think it's not a word?

Eric - I'm not sure Mark knows I have a blog.

niecm: (n) in ancient Greece, any large, open-air space.

Anonymous said...

ahctreo: A feeling of satisfaction derived from having a ridiculous computer-phone

The question is, can we play word verifications in boggle?

Anonymous said...

re: Mark's internet marriages: this is more than likely true, at least according to him - he has been known to have some low thresholds for considering things things (Iowa).

Also, it has come to my attention that any nascent Mark-Karitas (Maritas? Kark? MarKometer 4000?) flirtation is being watched and approved of from the South.

cqeopbqb: (n., adj.) a style of barbeque popular in the Xinjiang province of China.

Anonymous said...

I'd be behind using word verifications in boggle if they had to have 12 or more letters. Would you accept a paper from a student using word verification font?

Anonymous said...

I believe in the dialect known as "west Texan", "ssshhhh" is not a complete word, but is used only in conjuction with "yeeeit", the number of each letter dependent on how much anger/dismay is being expressed by said word.

For instance:

Sheeeeyeeitt, I'm outta Mountain Dew!

Ssssshhheeeeeeyyyyyeeeittt! A Kai-yote ate my dawg!!!

Anonymous said...

That's right - I understand that a West Texan whose git-fiddle has been kidnapped and dangled over the Charles in 2004 is almost done with his commentary on such.

Is that the same linguistic rule that adds syllables to the greeting of a girl in proportion to perceived hotness of said girl?

Anonymous said...

I believe it is. We could make a graph. Or perhaps a mobile. Also, how would one use letters to capture the all important "teeth sucking" noise that comes before the phrase "Sheeyyeeit gurl"?

Mark said...

Shannon, I think it is an upside-down v

Anonymous said...

Of course it is an upside-down v. God damn it, I love you marc.

Mark said...

It's nice to be loved by 'anonymous' really takes the commitment factor out of the equation